The importance of Celebrity Endorsements?
The most important aspect of celebrity endorsement has been finding the right synergy between celebrity and product. It 's about selecting a spokesperson whose characteristics are congruent with the brand image. It is insufficient simply to add a well known face to a food label and trust that there will be enough devotees of that celebrity to generate sales. The consumer does not buy premium priced products more than once on that basis, and so unacceptable quality cannot be masked by a celebrity presentation. There 's one fact that advertisers need to keep in mind when using celebrity endorsementsnever let the celebrity become your brand. If so, you 'll run the risk of killing the brand no sooner has the hype and hoopla around the celebrity faded. It 's also important to be clear about why a brand should use a celebrity. Is it to boost sales or to boost image? Or is it just to keep the brand alive? If it 's to increase sales, the celebrity should be used for short-term promotions and brand activities. If it 's to boost image, the celebrity can be used for a longer period of time, so that the brand can derive the benefit of the celebrity 's image on its own. Lastly, one must not rely too heavily on the fame of the celebrity. One must look more for the genre of consumer that he/she represents, as eventually all celebrities are what they are because of a set of consumers thinks they are that way. One must also build the brand not on a transient celebrity but an enduring one. ( Strategic Brand Management 2003).
Why do companies use celebrity endorsements?
It can increase consumers ' awareness of the ad, capture their attention and make ads more memorable. Respondents indicated that the biggest challenge in marcoms nowadays is how to stand outbreak through ever increasing media clutter. As can be seen in Table-2, consistent with the academic literature, managers considered that celebrity
References: Agrawal, J & Kamakura, W.A. (1995). The economic work of celebrity endorsers: an event study analysis. Journal of Marketing, 59(3), 56-63. Campaign (1998). "Creative Circle Honours", Retrieved February 03, 2004 http://www. Erdogan, B. Zafer & Baker, Michael J (1999). Celebrity Endorsement: Advertising Agency Managers ' Perspective, Retrieved February 03, 2004. Ketcham, Steve (2001). The Old Times, "Celebrity endorsements are a thing of the past (and present)". Retrieved February 12, 2004. Lane, R. (1996 December). Nice guys finish first, Forbes. Retrieved February 03, 2004. http://www Massey University (2003). Massey News, "Celebrity endorsements researched". Retrieved February 10, 2004 Miciak, A.R. & Shanklin W.L. (1994). Choosing celebrity endorsers. Marketing Management. Strategic Brand Management (2003). "Turn Your Brands into Celebrities- Are you Ready For It?" Retrieved February 12, 2004.