Change had become part of life in today fast paced world. From introducing new technology to evidence based practises. In the Health care setting, change is needed to increase quality of patient care therefore change is inevitable. It is something that we have to adapt to or risk being left behind ( Costello and Benman, 2009). With the vision of providing quality care to patient, nurses are at the frontline in Change Management. This position expose us to different roles required to implementing change( Salmela, Eriksson and Fagerstrom, 2011). As a nurse leader, selecting the right leadership style is challenging. Knowing what roles to play and when to incorporate changes in the culture of an organisation is crucial. In this article, we will discuss the changes had been introduced to reduce central line blood stream infection, the importance of leadership and how it affects change management.
Implementing Evident based practise
As technology advances, the need for health care professional to readjust their pace and incorporate technology into their daily care increases too. Health care professionals are no longer the only source of information for educating patient and family members. Instead, it had become one of the sources of information that patients and their family members would seek. The World Wide Web has been transformed into a platform where members of public could seek any information (Amand and Golden 2011). Therefore, it is necessary that health care professional be armed on knowledgelatest evidence based practises and best practice guidelines.
Solomon and Spross (2008) states that there are benefits associated with use of evidenced based practises. Apart from being accredited by recognised organisation such as Joint Commission International, research had showed that there is a positive relation with patient outcome by implementing evidence based practise into daily care (Solomon and Spross, 2008).