According to Hitt, A. (2009), joining a student organization is a great way for a student to get involved while at Marquette Law School. Joining gives a student the opportunity to become friends with other students who have similar interests, and it is a great way to meet lawyers and scholars in your field of interest. In other words, it is a great way to network, which is so critical to becoming a successful lawyer. Taking on a leadership role within a student organization gives students the opportunity to become leaders and earn the respect of their peers and professors.
While student organizations are only as good as the students who participate, professors are an essential part of ensuring that student organizations are successful. Professors can provide institutional knowledge, make event suggestions, and help develop the organization. Without a professor willing to help provide some continuity from year to year, a student organization will likely come and go.
In short, a student organization is an important part of law school and now is a great time to get involved. Either contact the current leadership of an organization that interests you or become the leadership if the organization does not currently have any leaders. The article Kumar (2010) stated that Many students do not realize the importance or value behind joining student organizations. They just complain, “Student orgs are full of politics”. They just base their opinion based out of someone else’s comments or their personal experience being part of regional organizations like Indian Student Association, Pakistani Student Association or Sri Lankan student association. The point is, regional or country based orgs typically have lot of politics involved in them, but that is not the case with rest of the 200 orgs that are existing out there….I have been part of at least a dozen of student orgs and I can tell you the amount of stuff I learnt is