What is the sixth objective added by Rosenblatt (1991)? (p. 71) 5 points The sixth objective added by Rosenblatt (1991) is that literature should encourage readers to draw from their literary experiences to find self-understanding.
Describe the seventh objective suggested by Susan Wise Bauer (2003.) (p. 71) 5 points The seventh objective suggested by Bauer (2003) encourages readers to train their mind by teaching them.
What are the basic groups of items that, according to Alan Purves (1991), should be found in a literature program? (p. 71) 5 points
The basic groups that should be found in a literature program, according to …show more content…
Summarize the benefits of multicultural literature for students who are (and who are not) members of racial or ethnic minority groups. (p. 74) 10 points Multicultural literature teaches students about their cultural heritage, about diversity, about respecting the contributions of minorities to American society, about social change, and about the aspirations of people of their own race.
According to Donna Norton’s research studies and evaluations (2009), what are the other criteria (beyond the chart on page 71) related to literature that represents racial and ethnic minority groups? (p. 74-75, chart on page 75). 10