Charlemagne Essay
I believe that a good leader/Christian leader must have many positive qualities and characteristics about themselves to rule. The six characteristics I picked that a good leader should be are; perseverance and endurance, proactive, open-minded, merciful, faithful and loyal, and patient. I believe that an excellent leader should persevere to reach his or her goals in life and in helping their subjects, and that a great leader must endure multiple hardships and struggles in order to grow stronger. Having perseverance and being proactive are closely related. A person who is proactive takes action to make something happen. To become a proactive leader, one must have perseverance and this helps them strive towards their goal. For a Christian leader, I think that being open-minded allows a leader to be more open towards new ideas and accept them so the leader can strive to be a better person morally and politically. “Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.” (5th Beatitude) A good Christian leader should also show mercy and not be too harsh on one’s subjects. If a leader is merciful to his or her subjects, loyalty and love will be shown to the leader. Charlemagne received very high grades for Perseverance and Endurance, proactive, faithful and loyal, and for patience. He did not receive equally high marks for being open-minded and being merciful. I gave him these certain grades because I honestly believed that Charlemagne has accomplished a lot during his reign. He had the perseverance and endurance when he was in many battles, and when he conquered many lands. Charlemagne knew what he wanted, and he knew how to get it. He was also very loyal and faithful to the Pope because he protected the Pope with his life. While Charlemagne was a great ruler for Western Europe, he was not as open-minded and merciful as many people would have liked him to be. Charlemagne was narrow-minded. When he