NAME: ______________________________________ AGE: ___ SEX: _____________
GRADE: ____________ SCHOOL: ______________________________________________
DIRECTIONS: Put a check mark (a) on the space corresponding to the behavior or condition manifested by the child.
___1. Looks typical but doesn’t learn typically
___2. Is intelligent, often gifted
___3. Have reading, spelling and/or Math achievement that are significantly below child’s capability level
___4. Has a short attention span
___5. Is easily distracted
___6. Have poor listening skills
___7. Has trouble following directions
___8. Doesn’t seem to be trying, ats lazy or defiant
___9. Sometimes uses immature speech and language
___10. Confuses left and right
___11. Sometimes uses immature movements, is awkward, clumsy. Shows poor motor coordination (i.e., reaches one hand and the other hand follows)
___12. Exhibits immature behavior
___13. Displays general disorganization, poor organization of time and space
___14. Often has difficulty with task employing paper and pencil
___15. Produces many reversal (i.e., “b” instead of “d”) and rotations (i.e., “b” instead of “q”) in written work
___16. Is consistent in behavior and work
___17. Frequently displays exceptionally ability in the arts, sports science and verbalization
INTERPRETATION: A pupil who manifests these behaviors may have a learning disability. So he/she should be further tested or referred to a psychologist or psychometrician.
NAME: ______________________________________ AGE: ___ SEX: _____________
GRADE: ____________ SCHOOL: ______________________________________________