Schools must embed in a child what acceptable and unacceptable behaviour is. A child or young person who is on the ‘at risk’ register or who have been identified as being at greater risk need to be supported by school and outside agencies where needed. All agencies have to consider the ways in which their approach is child-centred, for example, involving a child in meetings, asking them what they think of situations and decisions and ask how they feel about possibilities being discussed.
Explain what is meant by partnership working in the context of safeguarding.
All agencies involved working with a case relevant to safeguarding must work closely together and converse properly …show more content…
In extreme cases schools will contact social services directly where serious concerns are thought about parents/carers and this may result in the child being taken into care.
Health Visitors & GPs Health professionals may be involved in order to examine children to try and determine whether or not injuries a child may have are accidental or not. Health professionals are always alert at inspecting a child to see if there are any injuries they suspect to be signs of child abuse and inform other relevant agencies.
The Probation Service & Police All police forces have a Child Abuse Investigation Unit (CAIU) and work closely with other agencies to ensure the safety of children. CIAU have been set up to gather information and determine whether the police should begin a criminal investigation or to take other immediate action.
The NSPCC The NSPCC (National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children) is a charity which works to protect children from harm. It is the only charity that has a statutory power to take action where there are cases of child abuse. This charity draws attention and public awareness to the safety and protection of children and helps support families and children through its help