“A taste of things to come”
Awareness of child development
From birth to adulthood children are all developing. They develop at different rates but all follow the same basic pattern. Physical development starts from the head, and works down the body to the arms and finally the legs. Communication develops from crying to recognizable words and then intelligent conversation. Emotionally children are reliant on their primary caregiver until they develop an awareness of themselves and are able to socialize and function independently. These various strands of development are not made in isolation or sequentially. Development is concurrent and holistic, therefore any deficiency in one area can affect the development in other areas.
Pattern of child development Physical development | | 1.1 a | Infant0 – 12 months | A newborn lies curled up in the fetal position, unable to raise head.Movements are instinctive such as reactions to sound or closing eyes in bright light.3 months can turn head to look at objects.6 months child begins to hold up head, keeping it steady for increased periods. Learns to grasp and hold objects, then moves them from one hand to the other at will.Next can pull body to a sitting position and stay upright when aided.9 months is able to sit unaided. Releases toys by dropping. Uses pincer grip to pick up items. Holds feeding bottle.12 months as the baby gains more body control it can roll and crawl. | | Early years1 – 3 years | The gross motor skills are developed as the child starts to stand with support.This progresses to standing alone for a couple of seconds.Can walk holding one hand for support.Can walk unaided, run and jump as she develops full control of her limbs. Finer motor skills are developed such as the pincer grip to pick up small objects.Is able to hold a spoon to feed themselves.Learns to hold a crayon to scribble and then draw shapes
References: If you wish to do some more research or reading on the subject here are some of the books and websites I found useful when writing this booklet. Supporting teaching and learning in schools: Louise Burnham & Brenda Baker, 2010 6 to 16 Child Development: Penny Tassoni, 2007 The effects of the Physical Environment on Children’s Development: Dr Gary Evans http://www.parenting.cit.cornell.edu/documents/Physical-Environment-Evans.pdf www.nhs.co.uk www.pampers.co.uk