Apple. Ms. Apple explained all the observational findings which were made about Zack’ behaviours at school. Mrs. White express some of her concerns which she notice about Zack at home. Mrs. White was a bit hesitant in believing her son has an impairment, however, after much discussion both parents agree to meet with a speech and language therapist, as well as, the psychologist, to discuss Zacks’ behaviors. Ms. Apple plan strategies to support Zack’s learning. Some of the strategies outline to assist Zack’s leaning were structured play in which language and social skills were embedded, positive behavioral supports and a weekly progress report to Zack’s mother. It was determined that the interventions they tried had not been successful and decided to proceed with individual psychological and speech and language evaluations. The results of these evaluations and with the recommendations of his team qualified him as eligible for special education services. Cody displayed the following characteristics in his interactions in the classroom. He often did not respond to oral communication, his speech was echolalic, where he repeated the last words heard with little understanding, and he avoided eye contact. He spent most of his time lining up the toys or stacking blocks in a specific order. When other children entered his play area Cody immediately left the setting. He did not participate in group activities including circle time. Transitions were difficult and he had frequent tantrums. Eventually, she agreed to the identification because Cody would be able to stay in his regular classroom. In this environment, he received speech and language therapy through a speech and language pathologist. In addition, he was provided with specific educational interventions for the development of his academic and social skills through the services of an itinerant early childhood
Apple. Ms. Apple explained all the observational findings which were made about Zack’ behaviours at school. Mrs. White express some of her concerns which she notice about Zack at home. Mrs. White was a bit hesitant in believing her son has an impairment, however, after much discussion both parents agree to meet with a speech and language therapist, as well as, the psychologist, to discuss Zacks’ behaviors. Ms. Apple plan strategies to support Zack’s learning. Some of the strategies outline to assist Zack’s leaning were structured play in which language and social skills were embedded, positive behavioral supports and a weekly progress report to Zack’s mother. It was determined that the interventions they tried had not been successful and decided to proceed with individual psychological and speech and language evaluations. The results of these evaluations and with the recommendations of his team qualified him as eligible for special education services. Cody displayed the following characteristics in his interactions in the classroom. He often did not respond to oral communication, his speech was echolalic, where he repeated the last words heard with little understanding, and he avoided eye contact. He spent most of his time lining up the toys or stacking blocks in a specific order. When other children entered his play area Cody immediately left the setting. He did not participate in group activities including circle time. Transitions were difficult and he had frequent tantrums. Eventually, she agreed to the identification because Cody would be able to stay in his regular classroom. In this environment, he received speech and language therapy through a speech and language pathologist. In addition, he was provided with specific educational interventions for the development of his academic and social skills through the services of an itinerant early childhood