Child observation review
Lisa Doars
Child observation review
Children come in all shapes and sizes; each one is different and special in their own way. The development of children at this stage would fall into the pre-operation stage as founded by Piaget, as well as fulfill Vygotsky 's four basic principles. Both children observed were in the approximate same age group, Christian, a five year old male, and Amyia, a six year old female. Both children were observed in their home environment with other peers and adults in attendance. Amyia 's observation took place at a special event, her birthday party; Christian 's observation was a more casual setting.
We found these assessments hard to compare, especially since the two children are so developmentally different; this review was similar to comparing apples to oranges. The differences between the two observations were quite evident due to Christian having a developmental handicap, living with Autism. Amyia is a healthy six year old with no known developmental or emotional handicaps. The ability to speak words or sentences was not a skill Christian had been able to master yet, and needed therapy for this and other developmental skills. However, each child was able to command attention, yet, such was done in a very different manner for both.
Amyia 's personality was one where she could command her friends to do as she wished, while Christian was able to do the same with temper tantrums, grunting, and just pointing to what he wanted from people. Biologically, both children were on par for their physical age, though the comparisons are harder with one being a boy, and the other a girl. If Christian were a normal child without autism, it would be easier to determine if the differences in the other areas of development are related to his diagnosis, or related to him just being a male, since males seem to develop slowly than females in some areas, such as fine and gross
References: Berk, L. (2004). Development through the lifespan. (3rd ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson Education Inc. O 'Connor, M. (1999). Children on the autistic spectrum: Guidelines for mainstream practice. Retrieved March 25, 2007, from