Outcome 1: Understand why communication is important in the work setting.
1.1 – Name at least 4 reasons why people communicate. * To express needs * To share ideas or information * To share experiences * To ask questions * To socialise * To build relationships with others * To express their feelings
1.2 – Explain how effective communication affects all aspects of your own work.
When providing effective communication, you should consider both how you approach other people and how you respond to them. Communication is an overall term which includes eye contact, and body language, as well as speaking, listening, reading and writing. Effective communication allows one to help others in some way. It helps me to understand what that individual needs, wants or what they need help with. It allows me to put across my own ideas and opinions on things as well as hear and understand others’. Effective communication encourages others and myself to share our thoughts and feelings. Good communication allows me to cater to the needs of the children whilst in my working environment, as well as my colleagues and vise versa.
1.3 – Explain why it is important to observe an individual’s reactions when communicating with them.
By observing an individual’s reactions when communicating with them, you are able to see the expression on their face and their body language. This helps you to understand how they are feeling and therefore how you should respond. For example; if their facial expression turns sad then you know to comfort them.
People’s reactions allow you to understand how you, someone else or something else have made them feel. By observing an individual’s eye contact, body language and the tone in which they speak, you are able to understand how that person is feeling and therefore allowing you to think about how you should react and