Corporate Profile | 03
Corporate Information | 03
Financial Highlights 2011 | 03
Corporate Philoshopy | 04-05
Board of Directors | 06-07
Chairman’s Message | 08-09
Directors’ Report | 10-17
Managing Director’s Statement | 18-23
Management Team | 24-25
Business Operation | 26-33
Business Development | 34-39
Corporate Social Responsibility | 40-45
Corporate Governance | 46-49
Shareholders’ Information | 50-51
Recognitions | 52
Project Locations | 54
Financial Statements
Auditor’s Report | 56
Balance Sheet | 57
Income Statement | 58
Cash Flow Statement | 59
Change in Equity | 60
Schedules | 61-67
Principal Accounting Policies | 68-69
Five Years Financial Statements | 70
Share issue and allotment completed for:
1. Project affected people - 10%
2. General Public - 14%
PPA signed with NEA for:
1. Rasuwagadhi Hydroelectric Project (111 MW)
2. Middle Bhotekoshi Hydroelectric Project (102 MW)
3. Sanjen Hydroelectric Project (42.5 MW)
4. Sanjen Upper Hydroelectric Project (14.8 MW)
Loan Agreement of amount NRs. 16.6053 Billion signed with
EPF for above mentioned four projects.
Corporate Profile
Chilime Hydropower Company
Limited (Chilime) was incorporated in 1995 with an objective of hydroelectricity generation through optimal utilization of resources within the country. Nepal
Electricity Authority (NEA) holds majority ownership with 51% share holding. Remaining 49% shareholding is from general public including 10% equity ownership of local people.
Chilime owns and operates 22.1
MW power plant located in Rasuwa district, 133 km North of capital city
Kathmandu. It sales bulk electricity to NEA at the long term PPA price.
The annual energy generation from the plant is about 150 GWh.
Chilime has established following three subsidiaries:
1. Rasuwagadhi Hydropower