of atherosclerotic heart disease and Familial hyperlipoproteinemia.
Mr. Brown: What are triglycerides?
Me: Good question, Triglycerides are types of fat floating around in our body bloodstream. It is commonly known as "lipid" found in our body. Our body is very efficient at storing energy (fat). Triglycerides are also come from excess calories. Nevertheless, Triglycerides and cholesterol are different ok.
Mr. Brown: Is there any more definition of cholesterol that I did not know?
Me: You probably know that Cholesterol is a fatty substance, which is important to our body. It is necessary for synthesis of cell membrane certain hormones and bilious acids. However, if you have too much in your blood, it can combine with other substance in the blood and stick to the walls of your arteries. Because of the importance of cholesterol, our body itself produces the major part. In addition, I would like you to know that you are more likely to have cholesterol if members of you family have it. In addition, if you are overweight or you, eat many fatty foods.
Mr. Brown: Are you saying that not all cholesterols are bad? What are HDL and LDL?
Me: Another interesting question Mr. Brown, Okay "High Density Lipoprotein (HDL) is a well-behave "good cholesterol," this friendly scavenger cruises the bloodstream. HDL level reduce the risk for heart disease" (Beckerman, 2014). LDL (low-density lipoprotein) is known as "bad cholesterol." LDL collects in the walls of blood vessels, causing the blockage of atherosclerosis.
Mr. Brown: So cholesterols are mostly produce with fats. On the other hand, is there anything else I need to know?
Me: Cholesterol can be deadly but also one of the essential buildings, most cholesterol in our body is made in our liver from carbohydrates, proteins, and fat.
About 25 percent comes from animal protein we eat that contains cholesterol like meat. After food is broken down in the stomach, it moves into small intestines fats or lipids are further broken down into particles than can be absorbed into small intestinal lining inside the cells lining the intestine cholesterol to reconfigure into droplets inside a layer of protein to form libel proteins. High cholesterol comes from a variety of sources, including family history and food that we eat. Eating saturated fats can cause high cholesterol. Unhealthy fat in food that come from animals such as; beef, pork, veal, milk, eggs, butter, and cheese contain saturated fat.
Mr. Brown: Are there any treatment for reducing high cholesterol?
Me: LDL cholesterol can be lowered without medication but often medication is necessary. "There are number of ways of reducing high cholesterol, which are; quit smoking, lose weight, frequent exercise, and cutting back saturated fat no more than 7% of daily calories. In addition, for some that needs medication Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently approved two cholesterol lowering margarine products, which are Benecol and Take Control." (Swierzewski, 2000).
Mr. Brown: Is there any side effects of medication for treating high …show more content…
Me: Some doctors suggest taking statin drug when cholesterol is high.
Statin medications include Crestor, Lipitor, Altoprev and Zocor and the possible side effects and cautions of statin drugs are Constipation, nausea, diarrhea, stomach pain, cramps, muscle soreness, pain and weakness; possible interaction with grapefruit juice. Most cholesterol medications lower cholesterol with few side effects, but effectiveness varies from person to person (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2014). Mr. Brown: Does lowering cholesterol benefits outweigh the risks of taking medication?
Me: "The benefits of long-term use of cholesterol- lowering statin drugs greatly outweigh the risks. Some experts fear that statin may be overused, but these new findings could offer reassurance to the more than 200 million people worldwide who take the drugs." (Preidt, 2014, para 2).
Mr. Brown: Is there any options exist to try to reduce cholesterol without taking
Me: Yes there is. There is always a cheaper and healthy way to reduce cholesterol without taking medicine. Lose weight. According to Mayo Clinic, "even a modest 5- to 10 -pound weight loss can affect cholesterol level." Choose healthier fats. Eating with more olive oil, nuts, and other sources of unsaturated fats, as well as avoiding Tran's fat. Choose unprocessed or minimal processed foods. Vegetables, fruits and whole grain, have more fiber, which can be beneficial effect on cholesterol number. Exercise regularly. Thirty minutes of walking a day will help reduce cholesterol. Lastly, drink only moderate and stop smoking. Smoking and heavy drinking are unhealthy cholesterol level.
Mr. Brown: Should I be worried, regarding on my condition?
Me: Remember that your cholesterol level tend to rise as you get older. You can lower your cholesterol by exercising more and eating more fruits and vegetables. I know it is hard to do all this when you are used of doing your old habit for a while now but I want you to know we have some great program that will be able to help you about diet.