Jessica Fang
Course: Innovation and Change
Written summary to the article of "Choosing Strategies for Change"
Organizational changes effort often run into some form of human resistance. This article describes various causes for resistance to change: people may think they will lose something of value as a result; people don't understand its implications and perceive that it might cost them much more than they will gain; people fear they will not be able to develop the new skills and behavior that will be required of them.
The article also outlines a systematic way to select a strategy and set of specific approaches for implementing an organizational change effort. In my view, I would more prefer to the soft approach with more communication, participation and facilitation. Here I fully agree with author's opinion that it is probably best to select a point as far to the right as possible for both economic and social reasons. Forcing change on people can have just too many negative side effects over both the short and the long term. Change effort using the strategies on the right of the continuum can often help develop an organization and its people in useful ways.
What leads enterprise to success is strategy and culture. Without enterprise culture as backup, an enterprise has no spirit and soul, and for sure it can hardly survive for long, vice versa, without corporate strategy as direction, an enterprise has no clear target, and for sure it can hardly keep momentum for long. In line with enterprise culture, the corporate strategy can develop more effectively and smoothly. Therefore, while choosing strategies for organizational change, we also need care about the culture building and make necessary further adjustment during the transition.
Huawei set a clear strategy and employed militarized management to secure the rapid growing momentum, which results in missing of human care in the culture and as time passes employees feel numb to the