While running from his past, the thirst for a completely different lifestyle coupled with the lure of books that spoke of the freedom that comes from being detached from society enticed him desperately for a change. Chris quickly latched onto the principles found in his readings. Blinded by a lack of life experience, Chris didn’t comprehend the tremendous knowledge needed to live that way. Chris McCandless was a naïve idealist who was consumed by principles and killed by details.
The young tend to live life with an untampered hopefulness. Chris was, even compared to others, incredibly hopeful. He intended to invent an utterly new life for himself; one in which he would be free to wallor in …show more content…
. . “ (pg 85). Chris was, at the very least, conscious of the tremendous risks he took and continued taking tremendous risks throughout the journey. If an expert were to make some of the decisions Chris made, they would be seen as calculated risks, but with Chris’ lack of experience, the decision can be seen as a man living off hope and luck more than anything else. The concept of hope as a key to one’s survival is extremely naïve at best and a death sentence at worst. “Many people have told me that they admire Chris for what he was trying to do. If he’d lived, I would agree with them. . .” (pg 203). The basis of Chris’ search is admirable to his life of hope and survival is the way it should be, but the real world can quickly and effectively slither its’ way through the armor of hope and connect with the underbelly of experience and if you have no experience, results can be