Case Study Analysis Peer Review Form
Writer’s Name Joseph Wiggins
Reviewer’s Name Christi Cothran
1 Reviewer question: What is the author’s thesis? Stress is an emotion that a worker will experience in the workplace on many occasions.
2 Reviewer question: Is the thesis clearly stated? If not, how would you help the writer restate it? I think Joseph could have expounded on his thesis a little more to provide a hint to the problems at hand and possible solution. Example: Stress is an emotion workers may experience in the workplace on occasion and has caused numerous complications for Carl such as disorganization and procrastination; however with some additional training and self discipline Carl’s stress can be alleviated allowing him to perform more efficiently.
Writer question: List the changes made based on this feedback. Also list those suggestions that were offered but that you did not make, and explain why you did not make the suggestions.
Christi offered valuable information such as the thesis example that I implemented in my case study. After reading how a thesis statement should be written and the information it should have in it. The thesis should mention the issues that I will be discussing in my paper. I was missing the two strong reasons that supported my opinion.
3 Reviewer question: Does the essay’s body stick to the main topic? If not, where does it digress, and how could the writer revise the paper to make it stay more on the main topic?
Joseph strayed slightly in the “Key Problem” header from his thesis of stress in workplace. To keep the thesis of stress in workplace at the center of analysis he could say something like:
The portrayal of professionalism within a business is the first impression a new employee will see when they are going through the orientation process and stress experienced by inexperienced leaders can delude one’s impression.
Writer question: List the changes made based on