Meditation is an action or practise which is engaged through imagination, emotion and desire to do the prayer. Meditation is a special method of prayer and it can include a range of methods, for example reading the Bible, listening to music, and reflecting on your day. All these methods help with relieving stress and even just knowing who God is and how he can help through change and tough times. Meditation has four main forms which are physical, emotional, the mind and spiritual ways of meditating. Throughout this report, it will feature the topics of the history about meditation, the cultural side effects and the different techniques and symbolisms to show how meditation can be associated with everyday life.
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Meditation mainly comes from the middle ages, and throughout this time meditation has grown to be a common practise in everyday life. Meditation has developed into many religious traditions, as a form of prayer. The word meditation comes from the Latin word Meditari, which has a range of meanings including, to reflect on, to study and to practise. But the history of Christian …show more content…
The music that was playing in the background was calming and helped to relive stress or doubt. Father Khalid told us how, when and where we can meditate, and that there is no wrong way of practising meditation. I learned from this session that meditation is a private time to sit in silence, pause and reflect on anything that comes to mind at the time. Mediation is a time to think about yourself and not others.
Meditation is a great practise that everyone should try, as it helps to calm the mind and body. Meditation is an ancient practise that has gone on for generations, which means that the spiritual part of the journey for meditation has really effected those that practise