January 17, 2014
- My reflection of Christian worldviews -
Everyone has a worldview. A worldview should answer the big questions in life that we all share: “Who am I”, “Where am I”, “What is the problem”, and “What is the solution”. Of course all of that depends from which country are we. I think that the way people were raised and brought up has a lot to do with how they perceive the world. It provides us with a foundation for the way we live. In the first essay it says “Loving others as ourselves requires that we view others as better, more worthy and more deserving than ourselves”. To love others first we have to learn to love ourselves. Loving others and showing them our respect it makes as a better man, a better person. This we cannot learn so quickly, this lesson we are learning during the whole life. Only when we show them with our actions and with the truth, people will notice that we are learning, but that will be just a beginning. Since the problem of the world is the rejection of truth, I think understanding what truth is it’s important. Christians think God love people because they are good and they didn’t do anything evil to anybody but God loves everybody, he is mighty, and he knows how to forgive! Forgiveness…that word has a huge meaning for us people, a very difficult meaning. There is a very small number of us that knows how to forgive but the ones who forgive are the strongest, the bravest…and Christians have to learn to forgive. Being a Christian means being able to forgive others or even ourselves. Reading about Christian worldview I learned that being who you really are is much more important than being great or perfect, but we all know that nobody is perfect and no one can judge as because of that. Pretending being someone else won’t take us to proper path, on the contrary, we would never find out who we really are. No matter from which city we are