What did I do?
Before I started the appraisal i had to look at the current personal development plan that was in place. I also went through what targets were in place and checked that the objectives that had been set where smart.
I wanted the employee to feel comfortable so I decieded to make this and informal meeting. I wanted to enable the employee to feel at ease and not nervous are anxious.
The model that I decided to use was the GROW model which is used often in coaching to motivate and involve.
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I advised the employee the format of the meeting, I explained that it would be a opportunity to give his view on how he felt his development was going. To discuss any strengths and also discuss areas where development may be needed.
We firstly discussed the current personal development plan that was in place and ask the employee there current view of how they feel they are performing and where they are at with targets to date.
What feedback did I get?
The employee gave me some great feedback. They advised the format of the meeting and being informal made the employee feel comfortable and at ease. The employee like that we reviewed the current personal development plan and was happy to have areas of improvement to allow to employee to set goals.
It was clear that I was familiar with the objectives and had reviewed these before we started discussing them. It was also advised that I was relaxed which helped the employee feel relaxed.
How would I rate my performance?
I think I did quite well, as this isn’t something I have a lot of experience in so I feel that there are areas I can improve on in future. I felt that I did really well at listening to what the employee was saying and linking that to another open question to get the employee talking and the review flowing. I also feel that my friendly and relaxed approach came across as very sincere and helped