Explain the key components of a healthy and safe home based environment
As a childminder I will be providing meals and snacks for the children so I must ensure this is done in a hygienic way. I would regularly disinfect the toilet seat and flush handle, taps and bathroom door handle regularly to stop cross contamination.
When storing, preparing and cooking food I will;
- cover and wrap food in the fridge and keep raw meat at the bottom (to prevent blood dripping onto other foods)
- never use foods after they have gone out of date
- defrost food fully before using it
- never to re freeze food that has already been thawed out
Also in the kitchen I would;
- keep equipment and utensils out of reach
- fit cupboard and draw locks
- keep all equipment and surfaces clean
- run the fridge at 4oC-5oC and the freezer at -18oC to stop bacteria multiplying
- never change babies nappies or allow the use of potties in the kitchen
As a pet owner I would need to be extra vigilant too. I will ensure that;
- I keep floors clean where the pets are allowed
- keep pet food bowls and litter trays out of reach of children
- ensure pets are vaccinated & flea and worm treated
- exercise my dog away from the garden
- keep the sand pit covered to keep the cat out
- I would never leave a child alone with any of my pets.
- never allow pets on surfaces such as the kitchen worktops or sofas where the children sit, also not in the beds where the children nap during the day or sleep in at night.
- cover pet food kept in the fridge, use a special pet fork to serve pet food and wash up bowls separately to the other washing up
Disposing of waste in a home environment must be done hygienically. I would make sure that;
- nappy sacks were used and soiled nappies placed in a proper nappy bin indoors until the childminded children had been collected then this would be emptied daily into my main wheelie bin outside
- household rubbish would not be allowed to