Good Morning,
Thank you so much for covering my kindergarten classroom for today. Below is my behavior management plan where I have mapped out everything you need to know in order to make it through the day.
Morning Routine
1. When you first arrive in the morning, open the daily work folder and grab one of the worksheets. There should be enough copies for you to put one on each of the student’s desks.
a. This is the daily work that students will work on while you get everything ready for the day once they arrive.
2. When the students arrive they will be sitting in the gym. It will be your job to report to the gym at 8:15 to pick them up and walk them back to the classroom.
a. The students should …show more content…
be at a level zero voice level in the hallway, which means no talking. The students should also be in a single file line and should have their hands to themselves.
3. When you make it back to the classroom, the students should put away their backpack.
4. Then the students will begin working on the daily work that you have placed on their desks.
a. Set a timer for ten minutes before you begin lunch and attendance.
5. While the students do daily work, you will call on each student. This will serve as attendance, but also when you call on them you will ask them which lunch option they would like. Tell the student that lunch A is __________________, Lunch B is __________________, Lunch C is a PB&J Uncrustable, or did you pack your lunch.
a. Don’t let the students take too long on picking their lunch. The students will pick their lunch quickly if you just repeat the option again. Sometimes the students just get off task.
6. When the students provide their answer write the letter by their name under the correct column. Then put an X by their name under the attendance column.
7. Once all of the students have been called on, then look at the job clip chart by my desk. The job is called Messenger. This student will take the lunch count and attendance to the secretary in the office and then return to the classroom.
8. Once the timer goes off, have the students turn in their assignment into the turn in box. This is the blue box on top of their mailboxes.
9. Then have the students return to their table groups.
Seating Arrangement
• The students sit in desk groups of 4. Four is enough for them to be able to perform cooperative learning, but not too many that they get out of hand.
• Also, the students are in groups of 4 because it is their Dojo Groups. o Dojo Groups are groups in the Classroom Dojo App. These groups can earn points throughout the week. At the end of the week, the group with the most points gets to choose the brain break at the end of the week. Their Dojo Group can earn different Dojo Points for behaving well, and performing tasks quickly, quietly, and correctly o The students are in table groups because it helps them to be accountable for more than themselves. o Some students who have difficulty focusing are at the two table groups closest to the front of the room, so the teacher can more easily redirect the students.
• Transitions will be done using a timer. The teacher will say I need all of you in your seats, or on the carpet, or wherever they need to be. Then the teacher will set the timer for thirty seconds to a minute. o The teacher can give the table group that completes the transition quickly and quietly can get an on task point in Classroom Dojo. o The timer can be one that you use online, or it can be the actual timer that is on my desk.
Calling on Students
• One way that I call on students is to use Popsicle sticks. The Popsicle sticks have the students name on them and they are in a jar by my desk. o The popsicle sticks are color coated. The boys are green and the girls are purple. This allows you to not call on too many girls, or too many girls.
• Another option to call on students is to use Super Teacher Tool’s Random Name Generator. All you have to do is click on the clipboard graphic and a students name will appear. o The Random Name Generator is found on my computer desktop. It is called Random Name Generator.
Class Attention
• I incorporate a few call and responses in my classroom to get the students attention. A few that I use in my classroom include: o Teacher: Macaroni and cheese! Students: Everybody freeze! o Teacher: Oh watch me watch me! Students: Oh watch you, watch you! o Teacher: Stop Students: Collaborate and Listen o Teacher: Hocus Pocus Students: Everybody Focus o Teacher: And a hush fell across the room… Students: Sh-h-h-h-h
Extra Support:
• In our classroom, we have a Para who comes in and helps with student A. This Para is with us for most of the day. She does an excellent job of helping this student and keeping them on task.
• We also have a parent who comes in and helps during math. She is helpful when we split the class into groups and we go over practice problems.
Line up and Leave:
• To get the students to line up, you should dismiss the students either by carpet row, or by table group. (The rug has four different color rows. So you can call the red row, or blue row etc. The table groups have names on Class Dojo; you can call on a table group that is being quiet to line up.) o This will help eliminate chaos, and the excessive talking.
• Once the students are in line you will use the call: o Teacher: Show me what a kindergarten line looks like. Students: This is what a kindergarten line looks like.
• Do not leave the classroom, until the line is quiet and single file. Before you go out into the hallway, tell your students to catch a bubble. This will help them to remain quiet in the hallway.
Turning in Assignments:
• The students will turn all assignments into the turn in box. This blue box is located above their mailboxes.
• The students can turn in their work when they are finished. However, when they are done they need to read a book quietly at their desk.
Behavior Management Plan:
• In my classroom, I use a variety of behavior management plans. However, the ones that are the focus of my classroom include Classroom Dojo, and the CHAMPS model.
• Classroom Dojo is a way for the teacher to monitor individual students behaviors and to keep in touch with parents, through the use of the classroom webpage. o In my classroom, Classroom Dojo is only used for positive behavior marking. The class will earn points and it will be totaled and working towards a classroom …show more content…
• In my classroom, in order to mark down poor behaviors the teacher will use a roster. This roster will have different categories. Such as talking out of turn, or being off task. The teacher will give the student a warning at first, and the second time the student demonstrates a poor behavior they will have a logical consequence. Such as: o Being removed from the carpet if they are talking too much. o Give the students choices. “ You can either choose to talk with your friend now, and do math during recess, or you can do math now and get to spend time with your friends at recess. Etc.”
• In order to try to avoid these misbehaviors to begin with I implement the CHAMPS model throughout the day. The CHAMPS model tells the students what is expected of them: o Conversation Level o Help o Activity o Movement o Participation
• There are posters at the front of the room with pictures. The teacher puts the magnet by the picture that the students are expected to do. The teacher needs to go over the CHAMPS model when they begin new activities.
• One incentive is what the entire class works for. The class works for a Dojo party. The class has to earn 500 Dojo points as a group to win the Dojo party. The party could include pizza, donuts, a movie, pajamas etc. Once they get their first party then the number of points will increase.
• Another incentive is student success forms.
These forms are given to students when they perform a great behavior or task in the classroom. For example, helping a classmate or adult, going above and beyond on an assignment, solving a problem in the classroom etc. These notes are given to the students and can be take home to their parents.
• Another incentive is to have individual Dojo point rewards. For example, if the student gets 20 Dojo points they can get a piece of candy. If the student gets 30 Dojo points you can do show and tell. If you get 40 points you can bring a stuffed animal to school. If you get 50 points you can wear no shoes in the classroom, or eat lunch with the teacher. Etc.
End of the Day Routine:
• When the end of the day approaches. The last ten minutes of class are when the students get ready to go home.
• The students must clean up their desk and the floor around it.
• The students must also check their mailbox, and put the papers into their take home folder.
• The students must also put their homework in their take home folder to finish.
• Finally, the students must put all of that in their backpack and line up by the door.
• The teacher will then dismiss the students when the bell rings and they go to their designated area to go
Difficult Students
• If you have students who are struggling… o Try to figure out what is bothering them. You do not want to punish them when you do not understand what is happening. o Next, you need to make sure that you stay calm. You do not want to escalate the situation by becoming escalated yourself. o Try to find a positive behavior that the student is doing. Highlight the positives in that student and not the negatives. o Finally, it is best to set a goal. If the student is having trouble staying on task set a timer and see if the student can stay on task for a certain amount of time. If they can do that then give them a small reward. You can do the time and goals for a variety of different behavior issues. o If you cannot handle the student on your own, ask another one of the kindergarten teachers to help you. They should be able to help in this situation.