CampusCare, flagship school management software has been specifically developed to help education institutions not only muddle through numerous new challenges facing by the sector, but also thrive in the constantly-changing conditions. CampusCare, through its cloud based software for school management, takes care of most types of education accounting like Student Records, Examination & Evaluation, Student Attendance, Library, Lesson Management, Fee Management etc and allow the educator to concentrate on real time job – EDUCATE.
Being a “cloud-based” solution, it means that your software and information are stored on remote web servers and accessed over the internet like Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail etc. And hence, the information is available & accessible anytime anywhere. Being an online system, CampusCare comes with many advantages like no procurement & maintenance of servers, no in-house installation, reduced cost of deployment etc over traditional in-school server solution or installed software solutions.
Schools of all sizes need a solution to run it profitable, easy and efficiently. To name some of the modules as part of CampusCare, it includes: Registration and Admission, Student Management, Course Management, Examination, Evaluation and Transcript Generation, Library Management System, Fee Management System, HR Management & Payroll, Financial, Transport Management, Attendance and Leave Management (for student and faculty) ,