‘Exploring a product, product line or product portfolio, in relation to a chosen company and the positioning of the product in relation to market share, value and product lifecycle stage, considering tools and techniques that the company has or should employ to strengthen their market position.’
Jacob Parkinson
Content: | | * Product Management? | 2 | * ‘Coca-Cola’ | 3 | * Introduction | 3 | * New Product Development | 3 | * Ansoff Matrix | 6 | * Marketing Mix and 4 P’s | 7 | * Just-In-Time | 9 | * Conclusion | 10 | * References and Further Reading | 11 |
Product Management?
Product management is the development, marketing and sale of a product or product line throughout its life cycle. Product management is the mid point between the customer, the technology and the business. A product manager would be expected to draw all contributing elements together to achieve a high quality final product or product line. These elements are; finance, research and development, customer relations, operations, technology, engineering, manufacturing, marketing and sales. If the product manager can effectively incorporate all these aspects to the final product or product line it will be successful on the market.
Product management, ‘it’s like the conductor of an orchestra. In the same way that each orchestra has different parts and first violins come in, and the various other instruments come in at different times, and make the sweet music: each product is a bit like that, and the Product Manager is the conductor, knowing when to bring in talents and how to produce a great experience.’
Chris Russell (BBC Head of Product Development) Available at: http://www.ukaop.org.uk/news/bbcheadofproductdevelopment-chrisrussell-videointerview2871.html#Lbm2E7YobTqc51Z1.99 [Accessed 11:42 18 January 2013]
‘Coca-Cola’ is one of the world’s
References: and Further Reading: Chris Russell (BBC Head of Product Development) Available at: http://www.ukaop.org.uk/news/bbcheadofproductdevelopment-chrisrussell-videointerview2871.html#Lbm2E7YobTqc51Z1.99) [Accessed 11:42 18 January 2013] The Times 100 Business Case Studies. Who dares wins - Success through intelligent risk, A ‘Coca-Cola’ Great Britain case study [online]. England: Wilson and Wilson publishing Ltd. Available at http://businesscasestudies.co.uk/’Coca-Cola’-great-britain/who-dares-wins-success-through-intelligent-risk/a-story-of-global-success.html#axzz2IdNpokCg [accessed 20:00 21st January 2013] The Irish Times Business 2000. ‘Diet Coke’ just for the taste of it [online]. Ireland: Woodgrange Technologies Ltd. Available at: http://www.business2000.ie/pdf/pdf_3/coke_3rd_ed.pdf [accessed 10:50 22nd January 2013] The Times 100 Business Case Studies. Who dares wins - Success through intelligent risk, A ‘Coca-Cola’ Great Britain case study [online]. England: Wilson and Wilson publishing Ltd. Available at http://businesscasestudies.co.uk/’Coca-Cola’-great-britain/who-dares-wins-success-through-intelligent-risk/strategic-change-in-the-1980s.html#axzz2IdNpokCg [accessed 17:40 22nd January 2013] Sharp I, 2003. The Marketing Review. The Strategic Positioning of ‘Coca-Cola’ in their Global Marketing Operation, 3 (3), pp.301 Tabinda Seher, 2011. Coca Cola Marketing Plan [online]. marketingmixx.com: Kasi. Available at http://marketingmixx.com/marketing-plan-2/165-’Coca-Cola’-marketing-plan.html [accessed 20:16 25th January 2013] The Times 100 Business Case Studies. Making the world 's best known product, A ‘Coca-Cola’ Great Britain case study [online]. England: Wilson and Wilson publishing Ltd. Available at http://businesscasestudies.co.uk/’Coca-Cola’-great-britain/making-the-worlds-best-known-product/just-in-time.html#axzz2J0CPO0dA [accessed 13:30 26th January 2013]