The physical changes associated with young adulthood are developmentally complete and are more to do with physical changes nearing middle age. Physical health is at its peak in the twenties with chronic illness less common than in more vulnerable groups (Nagy, 2014b, p. 423). Peak strength and health begin to decline as the young adults near middle to late adulthood (Berk, 2010, p. 432; Nagy, 2014b, p. 423). The body systems performance is influenced by health behaviours, hazards and genetics. However the decline in body systems and appearance are gradual during this period so the effects …show more content…
There is also continued development throughout young adulthood in cognition skills such as verbal meaning and fluency, reasoning inductively and spatial orientation (Harms, 2010, p. 315). This enables young adults to multitask, managing work, home, external and internal responsibilities more effectively than their prior adolescence counterpart. This development in cognition is shown to continue into middle age (Harms, 2010, p. 315; Nagy, 2014b, p. 423). The occupational choices available are diverse but are strongly influenced by the support systems and skills gained with a high flexibility required in this group to remain confident and able to manage the evolving aspects of their independence and role in life (Nagy, 2014b, p. 423). The compliance of this group to medical intervention is influenced by education, socioeconomic status and flexibility of the individual as well as gender (Nagy, 2014b, p.