I was born with a curiosity George would envy; a need to learn as much as I could about as much as I could. This dubbed me the nickname “FBI agent” from my mother because of the magnitude of the questions I’d ask. My love of learning sculpted me into a kid that loves school and walks around with a backpack that could easily contribute to a scoliosis problem. Although this longing for knowledge has always been with me, my true desire of learning came to me in second grade when my health teacher, Miss Alternative, was teaching the class about
I was born with a curiosity George would envy; a need to learn as much as I could about as much as I could. This dubbed me the nickname “FBI agent” from my mother because of the magnitude of the questions I’d ask. My love of learning sculpted me into a kid that loves school and walks around with a backpack that could easily contribute to a scoliosis problem. Although this longing for knowledge has always been with me, my true desire of learning came to me in second grade when my health teacher, Miss Alternative, was teaching the class about