Well...Well...Well...Look at what we have here. Many students some who may want to become college athletes. But guess what? You are not going to get paid. Why is it that determined college athletes do not get paid, while other people with a job do? College athletes wake up everyday, to work day and night, practicing the sport they specialize in. I'm positive these athletes dedicate nearly all of their work and time for this sport, however do not get rewarded for it. Similar to when you work for your ignorant manager, yet they keep the money for themselves and do not pay you. This exemplifies how college athletes feel when they lay foot on to the court, the field, or the ice. This is not fair, and college athletes must be paid because they work with determination comparable to professional athletes, maybe even to a greater extent, since they also have to balance their school schedule. As a result, college athletes deserve to be paid for all the effort …show more content…
and hard work they put into their sport.
Did you know that college athletes have to balance their schedule between school and practice? This on its own is a valid reason as to why college athletes should be paid. Also, college athletes are expected to come into possession of satisfying grades in school while also being outstanding athletes. This pressure does not grant them time to find a part time job because their schedule is already full. Without a part time job they will have a tough time purchasing items that they desire, such as shoes, clothes, etc. Numerous college students would want to have the latest shoes, latest phones, and several more items, but without a part time job, it prevents them from doing so. Finally, they will not have free time to spend with friends and family. Moreover, statistics prove that dedicated college athletes spend nearly forty-three hours a week practicing their sport. This portrays how dedicated they are, so why not pay the hard-working college athletes?
You won't believe this, but paying college athletes would only make the sport more competitive. In other words, the athletes will know that if they win they will earn more money. In fact, players will not need to look for part time jobs and can concentrate on their studies. Doing this will also reduce the stress on them since they are already getting paid from their sport. Players will also perform tremendously better because the better they perform, the higher their salary increases. The pay works like an incentive for the athletes. This will have a major effect on all of the players’ performances and astonish the coaches. Also, when everyone is overjoyed, the sport becomes more exciting to play. As I mentioned earlier, this does not only benefit the players but the coaches too because all coaches desire for their players to play tremendously.
Just like you I was brought up to believe that the money can also go towards their studies.
To begin with, college athletes can use the money for textbooks in school. Statistics show that seventy-four percent of college students struggle to purchase their textbooks, as the price rises frequently. To continue, athletes can also use the money towards their college fees reducing their stress about it. Evidence indicates that a large number of students struggle to pay their school fees. Paying these athletes will not only help them pay their fees, but as I mentioned earlier reduces the stress on them. Can you think of a student who pays his/her college fees on their own? If college athletes are paid, they could be the first to pay their own fees. As a final point, they could use the money for school supplies such as pencils, books, binders, etc. Therefore, the money they make from playing their sport can go towards their studies for several different valuable
To sum it all up, paying college athletes can be very effective in college today. Not only will it help students with their studies, but will give them a preview of how to handle money and yet a start in their life. You may believe that working will give you a better experience of how to handle money. However, paying college athletes also teaches you how to manage your schedule by balancing school and sports. Also, it has increased the growth of payment packages for the coaches. All college athletic associations are capable of paying college athletes financially so why not reward them for their hard work? Let's all let the College Athletic Association's know that, “The reward for work well done is the opportunity to do more.”