
College Is Not Worth The Time

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College Is Not Worth The Time
Anyone who has attended elementary through high school knows the pressure of college; teachers, parents and peers alike seem to be constantly asking about it, which only raises more questions for the individual. “Am I going to college? Should I go? Is it worth the time and money?” Weighing their options, their possibilities, and planning their entire life from there can leave one disoriented. With college being such a huge cultural staple in modern society, even people who are far past their high school and college years debate these questions in detail, doing research, writings, discussions, and comparing their own experiences to the modern day student’s college endeavor. Unfortunately, because of the wide range of opinions and situations, there really isn’t a straightforward answer to college’s worth. Some believe that college is worth the effort and money, regardless of the student’s end goal. Others believe that the necessity of college varies on the individual student’s preference and choice. Still others argue that colleges are low quality and that they charge far too much in tuition for them to be worth attending.
Despite these widely varying opinions, there are some consistencies in many scholars’ arguments; they all agree that education is important, whether from college or
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Rachel Beckstead is a good example of this mindset, discussing that the cost of tuition is a low price to pay for “higher earning potential, more job opportunities, stability, and satisfaction” (Beckstead). She states that “One of the most important and obvious reasons to earn a college degree or even an advanced degree (Master’s, PhD) is to increase your earning potential” (Beckstead). This earning potential gives many people the impression that acquiring a well-paying, long-term career from college to pay off their tuition debt is worth the

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