Colombia is located in northern South America, and borders Venezuela, Panama, Brazil, Peru, and Ecuador. Throughout Colombia there is multiple different climates, and common foods are dependent on the region and climate. Therefore, I decided to find the common foods served in this country and explain them by regions.
A common meal in the most popular city of Bogota is ajiaco, this dish a type of soup and is composed of potatoes, chicken, and herbs. However, further south in the city of Cali a popular dish is sancocho de gallina, this dish is made up chicken, cilantro, plantain, corn, yucca root, and numerous seasonings. Up north in the city of Medellin a common dish in Bandeja Paisa, this dish is composed of beans, white rice, fried eggs, plantain, avocado, ground meat, pork sausage, and arepa. In the …show more content…
The majority of Colombians practice Christianity. A traditional food served during Christmas is buñuelos. Buñuelos are made of queso fresco and corn flour. During the Manizales festival, the Colombian coffee industry is recognized and honored they even host a beauty pageant in which the “International Queen of Coffee” is chosen. In February, Colombia has a four-day carnival, during the Barranquilla carnival a variety of snacks is served. However, during the course of the year Colombia has numerous amounts of different festivals, thus throughout these festivities a variety of Colombian dishes is