to do my best, and express myself. Color Guard gave me an outlet to express myself as well, because participants wore make-up, we choose our uniforms, we helped create the work, and we all performed in different ways. Guard also helped me gain another family. Because Colorguard, and marching band are such a rigorous sport we spend 40+ hours a week with each other, thus giving us a sense of closeness, and family. It also gave me a reason to push through the hard times in life, because the band could not be let down, just because I was having a bad day. Colorguard will always be an important part of my life.
to do my best, and express myself. Color Guard gave me an outlet to express myself as well, because participants wore make-up, we choose our uniforms, we helped create the work, and we all performed in different ways. Guard also helped me gain another family. Because Colorguard, and marching band are such a rigorous sport we spend 40+ hours a week with each other, thus giving us a sense of closeness, and family. It also gave me a reason to push through the hard times in life, because the band could not be let down, just because I was having a bad day. Colorguard will always be an important part of my life.