The most used methods of communication which I use are written and verbal communication. As each individual or group I communicate with have different methods of communication I have to use differnt skills when communicating. For intance when communicating with service users I have to simplify my language, using words and phrases that are easily understood, avoid jargon and employ the uses of gesture and signs (Makaton) to reinfororce the spoken word. As Body language forms a large part of communication, when communicating with service users I have to ensure that I use non threatning body language that respects personal space, using the skill of reclarification to ensure that what has been communicated has been understood.(1.1, 1.5)
When communicating with colleagues, line managed staff and other [proffesionals, email and verbal communication are the most used methods. I ensure that what I am communicating is concise, clear and courtetous ensuring that the right tone is set for the conversation or email. If this did not happen the context of the communication may become lost in translation possibly setting a negativeconnatation.
WHen communicating with families do this both verball and written. Verbal communication usually happens face to face or via phone calls. When communicating with families I ensure that I only impart information that has been consented to by the individual on a need to know basis. I ensure that my language is jargon free and I listen to what the family memeber is saying. I also communicate to families via a news letter which gives general inforamtion about the service.
In my