People communicate with one another for various reasons. To clarify and seek information, form relationships with one another and/or to gain an understanding of something. Each person is different and you will find that depending on the person’s ability to communicate depends on how they communicate. People also communicate in various ways such as verbal, non-verbal (sign language, body language, facial expressions) electronically or written.
Communication is an important part of everyday life, when communicating in the work place different professional boundaries and legislation (Data Protection act 1998) needs to be followed and met. All of which can affect relationships positively and negatively. Effective communication is extremely important to acquire information you need in relation to the service users in your care also to socialise and share experiences with each other, to give and receive information and instruction whichever way they feel comfortable.
Research conducted over a period of time revels people pay far more attention to facial expressions and the tone of your voice rather than the actual words spoken.
The research has shown that only 7% of words contributed to whether or not someone was liked, 38% was the tone of voice and 55% was the facial expression. Service users will often be aware of a contradiction between the carer’s facial expression and words spoken. The service user is almost certainly going to believe the carers facial expression than their words.
Communication is a great way to learn about different people especially in the care setting. By using effective communication skills you will be able to build a good relationship with the service users, their family, colleagues and outside agencies over time trust will be built and a good working relationship will be established.
Communication is crucial in the work setting how you communicate can affect your relationship with colleges, service users, their families