To begin, I have a caveat and that is I did not receive instructions on how to interpret my score on this questionnaire, but I was successful in locating the “Communication Competence Scoring Grid” at I believe the questionnaire results accurately reflect my communication competence.
My strengths were in the areas of “Presence Cognitions” and “Consequence Cognitions”. Presence Cognitions is “…being aware of how the other person is reacting to a conversation; knowing when to recognize others’ negative reactions or resistance, changing the subject, etc.” (Lewicki, Duran, & Spitzberg, 1995, pp. 259-275). This section yielded my highest score of 23 out a possible 20. Consequence Cognitions is “…being aware of the consequences of your communication performance; thinking about how others might interpret what you said, understanding the effects of your communication on others, etc.” (Lewicki et al., 1995, pp. 259-275). I will continue to …show more content…
Reflection Cognitions concerns “…reflecting on your communication performance to improve your self-presentation; what you said, your past performance, what you could have said, etc.” (Lewicki et al., 1995, pp. 259-275). I received a score of 17 out of 20 on the “Planning Cognitions” and “Modeling Cognitions” portions of the questionnaire. Planning Cognitions is “…anticipating, rehearsing, and monitoring topics of conversation; anticipate the audience, plan in advance what you are going to say, etc.” (Lewicki et al., 1995, pp. 259-275). “Modeling Cognitions” is “…being aware of contextual variables that give information about how to interact with other people; sizing up the environment, paying attention to how other people react and respond, etc.” (Lewicki et al., 1995, pp.