If I had to perform community service to graduate, I would love it. Because I could be able to meet new people. I can help out my community. As well as just feeling good about myself. So yes, I would love to do community service.
However, I do have some reasons why I wouldn’t want to do community service. One of the reasons is, that it would take time away from my regular schedule. That I might not feel like doing anything that day. Also I might be scared to do it because of some people that might
help might not be so friendly. Or I’ll try to do something and I can’t do it and they’ll get mad at me. So that’s the reason why I wouldn’t want to.
Yes, on a normal day, I would love to help out with community serves. One of the reasons is that I could probably get some of my friends to help. So I can feel better about myself for helping others. Also I can get exercise while I serve. Those are my reasons.
If I had to do community serves to be able to graduate high school. I would really enjoy it because I love helping others. However it would cut into my normal schedule. But I would love to help my community. Because one of the best feelings in the world is that you changed someone’s day for the better. Why can’t we all do this? Why can’t East Noble do this? If we do something nice for someone, maybe they’ll give back, and if not then, oh well. At least you changed someone’s day.
Macaulay Botteron