Julia Krulee
August 27, 2012
Denise Evans
Wendy’s and Subway
While Wendy’s and Subway are both popular fast food restaurants, Subway has more to offer in terms of healthy eating, cost savings, and environmental friendliness. During my work week, I take a daily hour lunch break, mostly to walk around and breath in some fresh air before going back to finish my day. My usual scenery is long lines in every fast food restaurant drive through, and who is not in a line is fighting to get in one; to chow down on a quick cheap meal before rushing back to his/her busy life. Eating on the run is appealing, however, there is more to consider when choosing where to eat than just time and money.
People have time constraints which make eating on the run a necessity; but there is an element of laziness to prepare large quantities to freeze and eat later. It does take some time and effort to save money and eat healthy, learning how to properly store foods to eat later. The best teacher for this type of preparation is grandma or grandpa, especially those who have been through the great depression where no food would go to waste. Spending an hour in a fast food restaurant for one meal is about the time it would take to go to the grocery store and purchase ingredients to cook five days’ worth of meals to heat and eat. Cooking is time consuming and not every household has an employable chef at standby. Career obligations, children’s activities, leave no time to cook healthy meals. Where we choose to eat if no other alternative is available can make quite a difference in overall health and weight.
Looking further, fast food can fulfill our daily caloric needs, but it can easily contain hidden ingredients and substances that have been known to cause serious health problems. For example, many of the fried foods offered contain high levels of trans-fats and sugar that play a large role in obesity and diabetes. Obviously, Subway and Wendy’s
References: 1. Am J Clin Nuttr 2007;86:198-205. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2. American Heart Association 3. Nature Conservancy, www.nature.org