
Compare And Contrast Adam And Kyle's Relationship

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To begin I’m going to expand on the bullet point about Adams relationship with his friend Kyle. At first glance Adam and Kyle could look like complete opposites but when taking a deeper look into their friendship it is obvious why these two have been friends since childhood. The word that comes to mind when trying to describe Adam and Kyle’s friendship is balance. Adam possesses level headed and vigilance. While, Kyle has the tendency to be more free spirited and go with the flow type of guy. This is where the seesaw effect takes place. When one of their characteristics gets to extreme the other one is there to keep them in check. This is why the word interdependence applies to Adam and Kyle’s relationship. The textbook states interdependence being defined as “rely on each other and exert mutual influence on …show more content…

This shows how Kyle depends on Adam to keep him in line and make sure his wildness doesn’t get out of hand. Another example of interdependence in Adam and Kyle’s relationship is the situation where Adam lashed out in Kyle’s car. Adam had a breakdown but Kyle didn’t just walk away from his friend instead he waited for Adam to calm down. This shows that Adam and Kyle’s relationship has a great deal of loyalty intertwined in it. Therefore, that is why Adam and Kyle’s relationship resolved during the movie. It is obvious that Adam and Kyle’s friendship is strong and one fight isn’t going to ruin what they’ve built over the years. My second bullet point I’m going to go more into depth about is the term cultural display rules. This entails “interpreting subtle cues and responding to them appropriately.” A fantastic example of this is Adam’s relationship with his therapist Katie. At the beginning of the movie Adam was hesitate about the whole therapist ordeal. This was evident because Adam would make rude remarks to

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