One of the creatures he fought against was named Grendel. “Grendel saw that his strength was deserting him, his claws bound fast, Higlac’s brace follower tearing at his hands. The monsters hatred rose higher, but his power had gone. He twisted in pain, and the bleeding sinews deep in his shoulder snapped, muscle and bone split and broke”(lines333-340). The monster Grendel stated to realize his strength was no math for all those strong men, So he was being defeated and getting angry about it. Achilles another amazing epic hero battles one of his enemies Pallas with humongous anger for killing his best friend. “Achilles drove his point straight through the tender neck but did not cut the windpipe, leaving Hector able to speak and to respond. He fell aside into the dust”…. (165-169). In this quote Achilles already had the upper hand of the war and won the fight he stab the spear right threw Pallas …show more content…
Beowulf was trying to help the Deans out. “That night Grendel came again, so set one murder that no crime could ever be enough, no savage assault quenches his lust for evil.” (49-53). Grendel would bother the Deans for no reason, just for the fun of it. So Beowulf feeling great, might, and brace decides to help out with this problem they had.
The Main reason Achilles fought was to get revenge for his best friend, Patroclus whom he held dear above all others. To show hector how he felt, or how Patroclus must have felt. “Indeed, he had in mind for Hector’s body outrange and shame. Behind both feet he pierced the tendons, heel to ankle. Rawhide cords he drew through both and lashed them to his chariot, letting the man’s head trail.” He had it in his head that he was going to humiliate Hector and have his father beg for his body, and also to mock his dead