
Compare And Contrast Darwin And Adolf Hitler

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Compare And Contrast Darwin And Adolf Hitler
Hitler’s ideology and his hatred for the Jews primarily formed his nationalist agenda, he had complex ideas about his own race and had no calms when it came to establishing his race as the dominant, most superior one. Hitler did not believe that all races were equal and neither was race just a social construct. He wrote about different human characteristics, and defined which races according to him were superior or inferior. He called the German people Arians and claimed that they were the master race. The Germans with the fair skin, blue eyes were the superior race. He asserted that the Jews and the other races were inferior and should be dominated by superiors i.e. the germans. He actually wanted the aryans to abstain from marrying into people from the inferior races as that would taint their superiority. He also believed that the other races had benefited from their superior culture and technology. …show more content…
He obtained a Darwinist way of life; Survival of the fittest. His nationalism that could have created such a great country turned to a superiority complex. While Darwin had focused on adaptation by different species, social Darwinists apply the idea to each species. In other words, rather than seeing change as coming about through successful adaptation by different species, they see a struggle for survival within each species. Fascists and national socialists have applied this to the human species, arguing that nations and races have to compete to survive.The purpose of this legal protection of the basic value of race must be the prevention for all time of a further mixture of German Blood with foreign blood, as well as the prevention of continued procreation of racially unworthy and undesirable members of the

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