
Compare And Contrast Peternick And Zyglis

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Compare And Contrast Peternick And Zyglis
The Cartoonist Adam Zyglis depicts a very controversial topic in “Which is More American?” The cartoon had two main characters; one who assumed a white veteran and the other is Colin Kaepernick, who is an African-American football player for the San Francisco 49ers. The veteran is dressed in plain clothing, which includes a plain white t-shirt, a pair of khaki trousers, and a beige ball cap. The only outstanding article of clothing the veteran had on was the American Flag bandanna, wrapped around his eyes. Kaepernick is in his football uniform, which consist of red, white, and gold. The veteran’s ball cap was in his, while Kaepernick’s football helmet was resting on the ground beside the bench. Another noticeable difference between the two …show more content…
They may differ their outer appearance, their actions, their attitudes, or even their life experiences. Both the men in this Cartoon have made devastating sacrifices, but that's where they stop relating. It is tradition that at every sports event America’s National Anthem is sung. The song is played to show pride in America, to show respect for the individuals who fight to protect America, and to show appreciation for the sacrifices made for making America what it is. Colin Kaepernick does not seem to agree with what this means, so he chose to kneel instead of stand and sing. Kaepernick does not believe that America shows equality towards all races and groups of people, especially towards African-Americans. While the veteran believes he has done his job right by protecting the fundamental values of America. Each individual has made physical and emotional sacrifices which have impacted not only their future but others as …show more content…
At first I saw the bandana as an indicator that the veteran had been injured. He was smiling, so I also assumed that he was happy he made that sacrifice of his vision for his country. As I continued to analyze the cartoon, the meaning of the bandanna shifted. The American flag bandanna is represented as a blinder. Over the last year I have noticed how people do not see specific groups of people’s oppressions. Recently, during a class discussion, I thought of the bandanna in this cartoon. I noticed how some people wear these bandannas and do not recognize how what they say or believe is oppressive towards other people. The white man in the cartoon was smiling because none of these oppressive ideals affect him. Keapernick looks as if he is so worn out, this is because he and his people have been negatively affected by the people who wear these blindfolds. The second form of symbolism I noticed was the race of each man. The white man was smiling and had the blindfold on. Whereas, Kaeperick is African-American and has a very sad expression on his face. While prejudice views towards the African- American community have always been around; that is not the case for whites. The bandanna around the white man’s eye is used as a shield from oppression and is in place to represent his white privileged world, which keeps him happy. One other symbolism is noticed was how the men were positioned in the cartoon. The white man

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