
Compare And Contrast Processed Foods And Whole Foods

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Compare And Contrast Processed Foods And Whole Foods
Contrasting between Processed and Whole Foods In today’s world, everyone is told that whole foods are healthier than processed foods because whole foods are supposed to be free of chemicals. There is not a single day that people in our society do not eat or drink processed or manufactured item for example, an early morning coffee from a café is processed. Our society’s biggest concern is which foods are healthy and which foods are unhealthy because the society want to live a healthy lifestyle. This concern has been going on for a long time and not much has changed because even though people say they will eat healthy, they go back to their old lifestyle of eating unhealthy. There are numerous ways to prove that whole foods are healthier than …show more content…
In the Article “Eat Food: Food Defined” by Michael Pollan, Pollan states “It’s true that foods have long been processed in order to preserve them, as when we pickle or ferment or smoke, but industrial processing aims to do much more than extend shelf life” (11). Furthermore, processed foods are produced with artificial ingredients, such as flavors, artificial sweeteners, and many others ingredients. Processed foods made consumers life easier because they can quickly prepare their meals without even cooking the foods since the processed food is already cooked. Even though processed foods make everyone’s lives easier, Processed food do not offer nutritious value in the foods that the manufacturer produces. The processed food companies always worry about their own profit and worry less about consumer’s health. In addition, most processed foods either are in multiple layers of plastic, cardboard, or foil for different …show more content…
These differences of processed and whole foods matter to Michael Pollan because even though ordinary food is still grown, it is occasionally sold in various supermarkets and he believes that ordinary food is what we should be eating instead of processed food. Pollan restated a quote from Joan Gussow’s speech, “Taking food’s place on the shelfs has been an unending stream of food like substitute, some seventeen thousand new ones every year” (Pollan 9). This quote means that ordinary foods have been replaced by processed foods in many supermarket for several years, which is causing people to adapt to the unhealthy lifestyle. He believed that another reason people are eating processed foods is because the supermarkets are decreasing the amounts of ordinary foods due to its high prices and simply advertising the processed foods, which are lower in prices. As a matter of fact, “Pollan was best known for his engaging writing about food and his ability to tell complex stories that weave together politics, culture, nutrition, ethics, and history” (Bauer 9). Pollan being well known for his writing is the reason why he wrote “Eat Food: Food

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