
Compare And Contrast Romeo And Juliet

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Compare And Contrast Romeo And Juliet
Compared to the original Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare, both Taylor Swift’s and Ash’s perspectives of the play are overly enthusiastic to the catastrophes occurring as shown in their songs “Love Story” and “Starcrossed”. In Taylor Swift’s “Love Story”, Juliet who is played by Swift is waiting for Romeo to return. She lost her faith for Romeo to come around, but he finally came back. He kneels to the ground and asks her to marry him and told her that he “talked to [Juliet’s] dad--go pick out a white dress” (Swift 45). In Swift’s version, even though the star-crossed lovers are not supposed to be together, the father still allows them to marry and they get to live together. In the original play, Capulet would never allow them to marry, no matter how in love they were, and this would lead to their deaths. …show more content…
Shakespeare expressed more that anger and disputes lead to tragedies, such as their deaths, where the remaining characters learn from their mistakes. Taylor expressed Romeo and Juliet as a happily-ending love story when in reality it is an awful tragedy. In Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, Lady Capulet and Lord Capulet tell Juliet that in two days she will marry Paris, but Juliet refuses to marry Paris since she loves Romeo. Lord Capulet becomes furious since he took all this time planning a beautiful wedding for Juliet. When insulting Juliet does not work, Lord Capulet states that if she does not marry Paris, she will “hang, beg, starve, die in the streets...Trust to’t. Bethink you. I’ll not be forsworn” (III. V. 193,

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