Mary Moore
Behaviorism is a positive reinforcement occurs when a reward, sometimes called a reinforce. It is given for a specific desired behavior. Other behaviors, even those that are negative, are simply ignored. An example for behavioristic theories the types in this category are discriminative, operant, positive, stimulus, response, and reinforcement. One I see is think of positive reinforcement as something being added. Such as getting praise from your instructor, getting bonus at work, and bonus points on a paper. These are after a behavior is accomplished in hopes that it will reoccur. But some do believe that positive reinforcement isn’t always the way to go. (Intellipath Learn) The influence and effectiveness of positive reinforcement is from Utah State University wrote a list of behavior guidelines check list and had it published. Their findings say that positive reinforcement can be very effective when used properly. The lists say that when appropriate behavior occurs that …show more content…
We learn things as we gradually get older and we’ve been taught things like little traits in a way. We have come long ways from foraging for food in the woods to now we just walk a block to the grocery store or supermarket. (Introduction to Psychology).pg173 My example to me with this is the computers, technology in more or less. Technology has grown so much in the past few years. Think back to when they first had computer desktops, they were big and bulky and with a lot of cords and wires. Now we are so far advanced that we have the capability of a computer in our pockets and other easily capable touchscreen gadgets. The technology that we have has propelled knowledge of all sorts at a touch of a button. It has had a big impact on the studies with many types of psychological theories and other