Active support is person centred care sorting through their future plans, there plans for now and how it is best to care for them. Helping clients live as independently as possible but guiding them along the way. Monitoring them daily to see what is best for the client.
Hotel model is institionalised in a way. This is when staff have to be more hands on with the day to day things in the clients life this can be because the client may of lost movement gained/have a illness that makes them hard or imposable for them to move about as normal. This can cause the clients to become unhappy and stressed staffs are there to support …show more content…
By supporting the client to take part in new activities will have a positive effect on them. This will make them feel included. Getting involved in new activates means they could find something new that they like to do and may well want to do more of in the future; this will make them feel more independent
4.3 Evaluate the extent to which an individual’s participation over time represents the balance of activity associated with a valued lifestyle?
Joining in various activities in the community and their own home including things like cooking, cleaning, gardening going to the shops will make a valued life style. This will make the client feel in charge of their own life and important. They will feel as they don't need as much support as they did before and will make them happier in themselves.
4.4 Explain the changes required to improve the quality of an individual’s participation to promote independence, informed choice and a valued