Technololgy in “Harrisn Bergeron” and Anthem are very differntly portrayed. Technology in Anthem is not wanted nor desired. “but terror struck the men of the council leapt to their feet they ran from the table”. It shows it’s not desired and is new because if they had seen electricity they would’nt have jumped up away from it. It relates because Technology has’nt been seen and is not wanted. “Harrison Bergerons” techonoly advanced compared to Anthems but dwindled compared to todays. …show more content…
“The hadicapper general came into the studio with a double barreled shotgung ten-gauge shotgun.” She entered the studio with a shot gun which is advanced technology. It relates because technology is allowed had has been seen in this society so there’s a big difference in technology. In addition love in these Dystopian pieces of literature is verey different.
Love in “Harrison Beregeron” and Anthem is very different.
Love in Anthems society is extinct. “We had been thinking for some reason of the palace of mating.” It shows there’s no love becuase it has been replaced with a yearly ritual of the palace of mating. It relates because the way They’re born and raised involves no love so they have made love extinct. There is love in “Harrison Bergerons” society. “and then neutralizing gravity with love and pure will.” It shows love in this society is heavily strong. It relates because it shows there’s love in this society and it’s strong. Love in these Dystopian pieces of literature is different. Although “Harrison Bergeron” by Kurt Vonnegut jr. And Anthem by Ayn Rand are both dystopian pieces of literature there portrayal of technology and love are very different from each