
Comparing Macbeth 'And The Cask Of Amontillado'

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Critical Lens Essay 12/17/10

Bree Brewer 1AC

This quote “god defend me from my friends but ; from my enemies I can defend myself” means “gods help me from my friends but, I have the ability to defend myself“. Two stories that I’ve read that support this quote are Macbeth by William Shakespeare and “The Cask Of Amontillado” by Edgar Allen Poe. I definitely agree with this quote because Macbeths friends thought they were really his friends but, they were wrong.

Macbeth by William Shakespeare shows literary devices and they support my opinion of this quote. One is dramatic irony and it proves this quote true for many reasons. It is true because Lady Macbeth shows betrayal against Duncan, the king of Scotland and Macbeth shows betrayal against all his friend, he was really using them and in the end he killed some of his “friends”. Macbeth and Lady Macbeth wanted to both kill Duncan all along, so they Planned it all out. Betrayal is what happened here, big time. The other literary device from the story that supports my opinion and makes this quote true is, Tradgeic
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The two literary devices used are symbol and mood. Symbol makes this quote true in this story. This is true because montresor’s coat of arms which is the snake biting the foot that is crushing it. This represents montresor getting revenge on fortunato for his supposed insult. When they both walked through the catacombs , montresor describes his coat of arms in a descriptive way. The other literary device that is used in this short story is, mood. The mood is very important in the story. It has a lot of terror and fear in the setting which connects to the mood. This mood is created because of the setting which is the cave with the bones, dampness and darkness. This set a mood that is not so

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