Spoken language and web based communication are different from each other: they both have different features and aspects. Spoken language takes place in person, is transitory and relies on sounds. Whereas web based communication takes place online where speakers can be many miles apart during a conversation. So the features in web based communication are not present in spoken communication.
A common factor which is required for a spoken conversation is turn-taking. This is when another speaker(s) allow the active speaker to finish conveying their point without interrupting. An example in my transcript is ‘Or do you want to check?’ which is a complete utterance then the reply is ‘We’ll both check’. After person H has finished speaking only then does person F reply, this makes sure that the person speaking has the chance to say what they want to. Turn-taking allows a long and meaningful conversation to take place. If a speaker is interrupted, the other speaker will not be able to produce a sufficient response, causing the conversation to eventually end.
Many spoken conversation conversations contain spontaneity; face to face conversations have to be quick and spontaneous. Speakers need to think of what they are going to say almost immediately. Rapid responses can avoid awkward and unwanted pauses. Sometimes the time given for a response is often too short, so to give the speaker some time to think about what to say next, fillers are used. An example is ‘Erm, I don’t know’. Fillers are commonly used at the beginning of a sentence or in the middle when the speaker is unsure of what to say (next). Without fillers the previous speaker may think they are still required to speak.
We based communication can be considered as a mixture of written and spoken language as it has the spontaneous feature of spoken language but written as it gives the reader some margin in the time for their response. Some features such as fillers