Likewise to each other, both articles use data and numbers/charts to explain the storm and the effects of it. “Super Disaster Of the 21st century” by Adams and Kostel, uses data to explain the hurricanes, tsunamis and earthquakes. For example, “At least 1,800 people died. Hundreds of missing people were never accounted for”(Adams and Kostel 144).The authors uses structure in this section by telling about the effects of Hurricane Katrina first to draw in the readers. This quote shows the estimate of people affected and killed by
the storm. In result, the reader is informed on how bad the storm was and how big of an impact it had. Also, the author uses details to explain the effects even further. Namely, “Some clung to rooftops waiting to be plucked to safety by rescue workers.”(Adams and Kostel 144) The author is trying to show what the people did to survive in the hurricane, and what they had to do in order to get help.
However, in “The Perfect Storm” by Junger, the author uses less details and more data. Case in point, “Hundred-foot waves are fifty percent higher than the most extreme sizes predicted…”(Junger 163). It shows how intense the waves were in this citation situation . The author uses data in numbers as well. “For the next two hours, peak waves heights stay at a hundred feet and winds hit 80 miles an hour”( Junger 163) The data shows how powerful and strong the waves were.
In conclusion, “The Perfect Storm” by Junger, and “Super Disasters of the 21st Century” Adams and Kostel both show the effects and damages of the natural in different ways and different techniques.