To maintain a commitment to professionalism dedication is the key to success. I dedicate myself to my job by going online to research what I will put in my lesson plans such as arts & crafts, songs and sensory projects. Most of the time I bring work home with me to finish last minute projects that I like to display on my boards. This includes printing out an activity descriptor and pictures that go with the art work the infant/toddler has done. I also like to take a lot of pictures of what we are doing in the classroom especially showing the infants and toddler working on art projects to have it displayed on my board.
Every week I work on a lesson plan and newsletter. My lesson plan has a break down of what we are going to do for each day. It will show what we will learn in circle time and what kind of art project we will be doing that day. Every week is a different theme so that is also incorporated in my lesson plan. The newsletter is sent out once a week to the parents to let them know what we did that week and what they have to look forward to the following week. I believe that the parents should be communicated to as much as possible.
I’m always trying to get new ideas by going on the internet or researching books to make my classroom the best that it can