THEORY QUESTION: I. Y o u have been assigned a 25 year-old male clHent for counseling who says he is seeking counseling because he is feeling anxiety. He has a d i f f i c u l t time getting to work in the morning and says he has no appetite. Since his new j o b and move to a new city, he reports to feelings o f low self-esteem. Select three (3) d i f f e r e n t counseling theories and explain how you would apply each in counseling this 25 year old in changing his behavior by addressing the f o l l o w i n g : a. Identify the role o f the counselor for each theorist and apply i t in counseling this 25 year old adolescent male. A p p l y three (3) techniques/approaches o f each theorist to his situation and Using the goal(s) o f each theorist/theory develop a plan i n counseling this 25 year old male.
b. c.
RESEARCH QUESTION: II. In the last 20 years, researchers have begun to discover an association between stress and frequency of psychophysiological ailments such as headaches, back pain, and ulcers. Stress management training is being offered to such patients as a means of lowering their stress and thus the frequency o f such ailments outbreaks. • There is a lack o f agreement and information about the effectiveness o f stress management training in reducing the frequency o f these medical problems. Design a study to test the effectiveness o f stress management training in reducing the frequency o f psychophysiological ailments f o r such patients who participate i n these groups and those who do not. Include the f o l l o w i n g in your design: 1. 2. 3. Statement o f the Problem ' Purpose o f the Study Procedures and Techniques (including type of research involved in this study, design, population/sample/ instrumentation/data analysis) Limitations o f the Design ' Implications o f the study for practice in the ar
4. 5.
Y o u have