o Businesses are using Internet communication technologies, networking and relevant software to enable workers and professionals to collaborate and work across locations and geographical boundaries and streamline work-flow management.
Communication Capabilities
o Computer systems connected over a Web-based environment or an intranet-based network can communicate with each other. Varied connectivity and access technologies with computing interfaces facilitate communication of employees with business partners, suppliers, customers, government regulators and other stakeholders.
o Deployment of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software solutions, Management Information Systems (MIS), other information management and business intelligence technologies help businesses to centralize core business activities and operations, manage gigabytes of generated information and aid decision-making processes.
o Software, productivity tools and networking applications installed in computers, laptops and workstations enable employees in a business to streamline their work-flows, execute assigned tasks faster and aim to achieve organizational goals and targets.
Bottom-line Impact
o All businesses investing in computers and IT systems look to leverage the Return on Investment (ROI) parameter. Long-term planning and allocation of resources for IT are helping organizations to take up ambitious business expansion activities, channelize workforce productivity, adjust strategic