The 2nd amendment in the Bill of rights states “ the right of the people to keep …show more content…
and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” therefore, with your concealed carry handgun permit an individual in most states is allowed to openly carry or conceal a handgun on their person whenever they please. For example, it is legal in 45 states here in the US that allow open carry laws and does not infringe on the 2nd amendment to “right to bear arms” however the other 5 have taken away this right to openly carry and bear arms within those states. "Forty-five (45) states allow open carry of firearms," she wrote. "Varying restrictions on open carry in some states does not alter the fact that 45 states allow open carry."The 2nd Amendment is designed to give you an extra sense of safety whenever law enforcement cannot be there in that moment. “With weapons of their own, citizens will be able to defend and protect themselves, especially when going out at night and when working in crime-prone establishments, such as convenience stores. Women with concealed handgun will be able to protect their homes as well. This only shows that concealed carry provides a sense of security and safety”. With all the spree shooting, terrorist attacks, and school shooting, openly carrying can provide a sense of security to you and others around you if a terrible event like this were to take place.
“Carrying a concealed handgun could help stop a public shooting spree.” The second amendment and open carry laws give law abiding citizens give those who apply the sense of security, protection, and safety to those who cannot protect themselves. Banning the right to bear arms and the right to openly carry would cause more harm than allowing legal citizens to legally carry firearms for self-defense. Banning guns can cause a major issue in many ways. For example, if you ban public carry of guns, what's gonna happen if a spree shooting takes place in front of you and your unarmed. You have just become a sitting duck. Taking away guns takes away a sense of security for about 11 million citizens trying to protect themselves and their families. “People are safer in states where law-abiding citizens are allowed to carry concealed weapons.” Most parents would do anything to keep their children safe, even give their life for the well-being of their kids. For example, the movie theater shooting in colorado. If a parent and their child were seeing a movie and the parent was armed, they could better their chances to get out alive if they are carrying then sitting and waiting for the police to disarm the criminal. Taking away or not allowing that right to be enacted is increasing the chances of harm more than making the streets safer without guns. “Banning weapons does not guarantee safety.” The saying goes, “A right unexercised, is a right that is lost”
One downside to open
carry mentioned on many websites is the negative attention that is drawn to openly having a handgun on your hip. However, the openly carrying gives positive attention to responsible and law-abiding gun owners. Proponents believe that this will deter criminals from attacking someone who is armed. They also claim that most of the adults who carry guns are responsible and law-abiding citizens. “My children wanted to know whether a